#Bloganuary – Day 2 – Road trip!

One day at a time...

Today is day 2 of #Bloganuary.

What is a road trip you would love to take?

January 2nd prompt

The amount of driving I did in the past two weeks has me wanting to sell my car. No, not really – I need it for daily living – but the driving has definitely exhausted me a bit.

A road trip is different for those that do the driving and for those that are just there – kicking it in the passenger seat or sprawled in the back. While I can definitely be a dedicated driver, it is not my favorite seat in the car for anything other than work/grocery runs. My knuckles turn white as I grip the wheel to make sure I have maximum control. My eyes dry out since they refuse to blink – who knows what the idiots in front of me will do – every second…

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